Welcome to your music school in Blankenese!

The private music school in Blankenese and online without long-term contractual obligation!*



My violin and piano classes continue as normal from today. You can choose to come to me or learn via Skype, Facetime, Zoom. It’s a lot of fun and we’re getting on just as well.

© Katharina Apostolidis

All photos, which are not otherwise noted, were created by me and are subject to © Katharina Apostolidis. Details on technical exceptions in the „Impressum“ (Legal notice)

In lovingly furnished rooms in the center of Hamburg-Blankenese I offer lessons (violin lessons) and piano lessons (music lessons) for children, adults and seniors.

A music school in Hamburg-Blankenese, only private without long-term contractual obligation. Instead, with exclusive individual lessons for beginners, returners and advanced learners in a beautiful ambience. The classroom looks like a ship with stairs to the sundeck and railing and is 50 m2 in size.

These three English-language pages are just a very short summary of my website. Please read the german pages for details.

Demanding – Promoting – Enjoying

Learning violin as a child, adult or senior

Whether beginner or advanced: As a qualified, pedagogical and stage-experienced violinist and violin teacher I am competent contact person in the private music school in Blankenese for all ages and levels.

Learning piano as a child, adult or senior

As a piano teacher, I have specialized in beginners from about 5 years up to intermediate level. Also: learning piano as an adult. Music lessons take place at my Grotrian-Steinweg-piano.

Copyright photos below: left photo: © Katharina Apostolidis © notes: Oskar Rieding: Konzert a-minor op.21 (in Hungarian style) Bärenreiter publisher, Kurt Sassmannshaus Ed. BA 8973 / 3 photos in the middle: © Katharina Apostolidis/ right photo: © Beate Zoellner

Cozy small waiting area

For parent and one sibling to do homework, paint, read.


Youtube-Video:  „The Swan“ by Camille Saint-Saens

Enjoy my violin!

Copyright: Katharina Apostolidis. Der unerlaubten Nutzung dieses Bildes ohne meine schriftliche Einwilligung wird hiermit widersprochen. Ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte für diesen Fall vor.

© K. Apostolidis

Youtube-Video: Piano students 2014-2016

Concerts, competitions, movies, compositions

Copyright: Katharina Apostolidis. Der unerlaubten Nutzung dieses Bildes ohne meine schriftliche Einwilligung wird hiermit widersprochen. Ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte für diesen Fall vor.

© K. Apostolidis


Copyright Hamburger Klönschnack Juli 2015

Foto K. Apostolidis © Hamburger Klönschnack Juli 2015

Read more about my lessons in Hamburger Klönschnack (issuu-article June 2011)

Article “Musikkinder erobern die Bühne“ (Music Children conquer the Stage) about my piano and violin students who have won prizes in competitions (issuu-article July 2015)

More press reports ➔


Copyright Tide TV

Foto K. Apostolidis © Tide TV

Interview Tide TV with two high-gifted violin and piano students, their mother and me about my music teaching, practicing, motivation. First broadcast 23.6.2016. Youtube-Video

Frederic at Tide TV. He plays Chopin Nocturne cis minor and Waltz B minor. First broadcast 23.3.2017. Youtube-Video

Marlen und Jacob Tide TV. Interview and pieces from D. Hellbach, R. Schumann und A. Drabon, first broadcast 25.5.2017

Teaching Details

and Special Offers overview

2.*No written contract – no risk – fee

I do not make any written contracts. In my private music school Blankenese you can start or stop lesson at any time, without monthly obligation until the next termination date. You only pay for your actual lessons, not for the holidays. The fees depend on the duration of the lesson, individual or group lessons. Please call me for details!

3. I encourage your child consistently and with love, conventionally and unconventionally, without methodical restriction, in a warm and motivating atmosphere.

Copyright: Katharina Apostolidis. Der unerlaubten Nutzung dieses Bildes ohne meine schriftliche Einwilligung wird hiermit widersprochen. Ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte für diesen Fall vor.

© K. Apostolidis

This also means that some students rather initially want to learn by heart without notes, because they are learning much quicker in this way. Let us try to find the best for your child.

4. Special skills: I am also specialized on 5-year-old children

Copyright: Katharina Apostolidis. Der unerlaubten Nutzung dieses Bildes ohne meine schriftliche Einwilligung wird hiermit widersprochen. Ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte für diesen Fall vor.

© K. Apostolidis

Other teachers reject this age as too young. In my opinion mostly it is possible and makes great pleasure to learn violin or piano already in the kindergarden or preschool. For this I have developed and written many own teaching books that are published worldwide, some also in english. Building a good technique right from the start is self-evident to me.

5. Favorite pieces as desired

I am always considering the wishes of my students. They can wish their favorite pieces and learn many different musical styles such as classical, rock, pop, chart hits, klezmer, international folklore, tangos, musical, famous movie melodies etc.

6. Your child can try violin and piano for a few weeks or months

Copyright: Katharina Apostolidis. Der unerlaubten Nutzung dieses Bildes ohne meine schriftliche Einwilligung wird hiermit widersprochen. Ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte für diesen Fall vor.

© K. Apostolidis

If your child cannot decide, which instrument is better, it can try one as long as it needs. So it can make a better decision instead of choosing after a short three-part instrument carousel.

7. For adults I am flexible in time.

Whether you want to come weekly, or only every couple of weeks at different times: In my private music school Blankenese we will find the best solution for your business and home circumstances. Please call me now, we can discuss everything individually.

8. Practice support with videos or sms-chat

You are welcome to send videos to me of the daily practice, which I will comment in the evening. On request, your child will be supervised by me in this way during its weekly practicing. This additional service is only available in my private music school Blankenese. Questions can be clarified immediately and not only in the next music lesson, your child learns more quick and doesn’t get used to mistakes.

9. CD of your child

If your child want to give its own CD to their family, it has the possibility to record self-titled pieces in my classroom. Professional Logic mix on the computer for sound optimization and completion. Furthermore, production of a self-designed CD-photo imprinted with own text.

10. Eleven own music books

Foto/Buchcover-Bilder von "A Child's guide to rhythm", Das magische Notenbuch" Bassschlüsselausgabe, "Der Notenclown" Violinschlüsselausgabe: Katharina Apostolidis - Buchcoverbilder “Buntes Geigenwunderland” Band 1, “Buntes Weihnachtswunderland”, "Buntes Liederwunderland”: Soheyla Sadre - © “Buntes Geigenwunderland” Band 1, “Buntes Liederwunderland”, "Buntes Weihnachtswunderland”: Bosworth Music GmbH - © “A Child’s Guide to Note Reading”, “A Child’s Guide To Rhythm”: Edition Conbrio bei Hug Musikverlage Zürich, amerikanische Lizenz: Mel Bay Publications, Inc. - Copyright “Das magische Notenbuch” Bassschlüsselausgabe und "Der Notenclown" Violinschlüsselausgabe: Edition Conbrio bei Hug & Co Musikverlage Zürich

Foto/Buchcover-Bilder von „A Child’s guide to rhythm“, Das magische Notenbuch“ Bassschlüsselausgabe, „Der Notenclown“ Violinschlüsselausgabe: Katharina Apostolidis – Buchcoverbilder “Buntes Geigenwunderland” Band 1, “Buntes Weihnachtswunderland”, „Buntes Liederwunderland”: Soheyla Sadre – © “Buntes Geigenwunderland” Band 1, “Buntes Liederwunderland”, „Buntes Weihnachtswunderland”: Hal Leonard Europe GmbH – © “A Child’s Guide to Note Reading”, “A Child’s Guide To Rhythm”: Edition Conbrio bei Editionen Halbig GmbH & Co. KG, amerikanische Lizenz: Mel Bay Publications, Inc. – Copyright “Das magische Notenbuch” Bassschlüsselausgabe und „Der Notenclown“ Violinschlüsselausgabe: Edition Conbrio bei Editionen Halbig GmbH & Co. KG

So that your child has fun with music and learns music theory quickly, I have written and illustrated several child-friendly painting and riddle books for learning notes, which are published worldwide. Also for the first violin lessons a 5-volume violin school as well as a play for string beginners. Some of my books are available in english, spanish or Japanese. Please look here.

11. Promotion of very talented and high gifted children

At your request I decide after an entrance examination and two months, whether your child (beginner or advanced) will have the opportunity to be included in the promotion of high talented or high gifted children Hamburg or is more suitable for normal child-friendly lessons.

Copyright: Katharina Apostolidis. Der unerlaubten Nutzung dieses Bildes ohne meine schriftliche Einwilligung wird hiermit widersprochen. Ich behalte mir ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte für diesen Fall vor.

© K. Apostolidis

Youtube-Video: High gifted child Lara as soloist in Laeiszhalle

12. Additional offer:

Live violin lessons via Skype, Facetime, Zoom or Wire

Live piano lessons via Skype, Facetime, Zoom or Wire

© K. Apostolidis

© K. Apostolidis

For those situations learning violin online and learning piano online in a live lesson with video, relaxed conversation and direct individual guidance and correction is helpful as a complement to normal lessons:

  • While CORONA-restrictions
  • If your child or I need too many handkerchiefs.
  • If you cannot come, because for example a sibling is sick or you are waiting for the craftsmen.
  • Weather or traffic conditions are too difficult.
  • If an enthusiastically child or student is on a trip in the hotel room and wants to have more instructions or corrections.
  • Additional support for competition and concert preparation
  • If you live too far away or moved to another country and you like to continue with your lessons

Enjoy! Let us try! Your first online lesson is free!

© K. Apostolidis

© K. Apostolidis

13. Ear training, musical theory, composition and improvisation

Foto: Katharina Apostolidis, Bild Soheyla Sadr, aus: Buntes Geigenwunderland Band 1, © Bosworth Music GmbH

Foto: Katharina Apostolidis, Bild: Soheyla Sadr, aus: „Buntes Geigenwunderland“ Band 1  © Bosworth Music GmbH

Is integrated from the beginning and deepened on request. Also in my internationally published instruction books are various child-friendly painting, riddle, game and puzzle tasks, which convey the theoretical material with fun. Please look here.

14. Preparation for violin examination

With more than 30 years of music teaching experience in children’s, medium-level and violin studies, up to the final violin diploma at the Musikhochschule Hamburg, I also prepare young violinists in the private music school Blankenese to the music entrance and entrance examinations at music colleges.

What are your wishes and ideas?

Call me right now: 040-86645644
Or write me an email: info@geigen-stunde.de

Yours Katharina Apostolidis

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Vielen Dank für dieses wunderschön gestaltete "Buntes Geigenwunderland". Ich liebe Ihr Heft, nutze es sehr gern für meine kleinen Anfänger:innen und finde Texte, Melodien, Begleitungen ganz wunderbar! Und ich bin begeistert von den Zeichnungen. Endlich mal etwas Schönes für die Kleinen, das gibt es leider so wenig.

Jana Schäfertöns, Geigenlehrerin

Dein Unterricht ist Teil meiner Lebensfreude!

Hermann Laatzen / Senior-Schüler

Ich habe lange nach einer Lehrerin für meine Tochter (damals 5 Jahre) gesucht, die meinen pädagogischen Wünschen und Erwartungen entspricht und muss sagen, dass Katharina Apostolidis nicht nur all dies erfüllt sondern auch noch weit übertrifft! …

Graziella Schazad / Mutter

… Hier wird Musik mit soviel Freude und Leichtigkeit vermittelt. Spielerisch werden wichtige Ereignisse des Kindes (wie z. B. Geburtstag, Urlaube, schulische Ereignisse) in den Unterricht mit eingebunden und das Kind wird stets mit all seinen Empfindungen wahrgenommen, hier abgeholt wo es ist und kann sich so seinem Wesen entsprechend entwickeln.

Mit ganzem Herzen möchte ich Katharina Apostolidis hier empfehlen!

Graziella Schazad / Mutter

… Besonders schön, sind die regelmässig stattfindenden Hauskonzerte, wo in sehr herzlicher Atmosphäre alle Altersgruppen gemischt ihre aktuellen Stücke vorspielen. Danach wird in kleiner Keksrunde noch einmal erzählt.

Graziella Schazad / Mutter
Katharina Apostolidis

Dipl. Violinlehrerin (Geigenlehrerin),
Geigerin, Klavierlehrerin,
Musikunterricht für Violine (Geige)
und Klavier (Piano) in Hamburg Blankenese (Elbvororte)


Phone: 040-86645644
mail: k.apostolidis@geigen-stunde.de


Dockenhudener Straße 12
(above the Restaurant #Die Linde – entrance behind the house)
22587 Hamburg
Phone 040-86645644